Monday, February 8, 2010

I need your help!

Many of you have received an e-mail from someone calling themselves "Sandra Don". This person references my blog and asks you to correspond to them. As far as I can tell, this is a SPAM e-mail from a location in Senegal, Africa. Please do not reply to them or other wise encourage this behavior.
I think this person is culling the e-mail information from the blogger profile of people who have left comments on my blog. If you have received this SPAM e-mail and have never commented or do not have your e-mail in the blogger profile, please let me know as this would mean that my feedblitz list might have been hacked. I need to know the source of this nonsense before it can be effectively stopped. If you have seen this problem before and know how to stop it, please let me know.
I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and appreciate your understanding and support.
Update: This seems to be happening on other blogs as well. My Pink Stamper posted the following-
"If anyone receives and e-mail from, please do not open it. They are someone phishing for love on my website. So far 3 people have e-mailed me this morning. It is obviously a professional. Just always be careful when you leave personal information on anyone's blog or websites. Get a separate e-mail just for posting. You can get one for free from Yahoo, Google, Hot Mail, etc. Takes a few seconds and then you have a secure way for people to get a hold of you online."

"*I just want to add that this is not only happening with my website but other blogs as well. There are people who watch the blogs and websites that get a lot of hits. Just take the extra steps to keep yourself safe and never let your children comment on a blog or website. "


  1. I received an email from Sandra Don from a comment I left on If you check the mypinkstamper site she has a new way of having people leave comments. The problem just started for her recently. I have never left a comment on your blog-this proves it is happening to several blogs from the same "person". Hope this helps.

  2. Becky I am so sorry this has happened to you, you do not deserve, no one does for that matter. I hope this doesn't discourage you from sharing on your blog. I am going to comment anonymous from now on.

    You know me .....T

  3. Becky,
    I do wonder if commenting as anonymous will help?Someone else had already suggested it! Love your blog and you know how much I appreciate all the wonderful inspiration I get from your blog! E. from Va.

  4. Becky,
    There is a different way to set up your blog so you can preview comments first before they appear on you site. Watch out this email can also be from a man claiming to be lawyer of a long lost relative! This is a link to Curt's world a stamping blog and he walks you through changing the settings.

    Good luck and I do enjoy reading your blog!

  5. Hi, I received an email from that person as well referencing your blog. I am mostly a stalker to your blog but am sure I have left a comment or two before... I figured she got my email from a comment I had left. So sorry this happened to you. It's unfortunate that there are people out there in the world like this.

  6. I also received an email from her yesterday but did not read it since I didn't recognize her. Best of luck the anonymous might be a good idea it's just sad we even have to worry about it!

  7. I had to go to comment moderation on my blog because of someone in the UK linking my blog to an "escort service".

  8. I think you're right, Becky. I've had that happen on my blog as well, but not the same person or name. I can see that there is a "follower" on my blog and I don't know how to get rid of him. At the same time as his comment a couple of weeks ago, the blog corrupted and I can't get it back to normal, and I also was hit with the mal virus and had to take it in to the computer hospital where they said it was completely infested. Make's me want to just completely shut down.

  9. yes Becky I received one and it said they got the info from your site. it was upsetting but it is sad that there are people out there doing such stuff.
    Thanks for the update

  10. Ack! What a mess! I guess I should be happy I do not have a high-traffic blog? ;-)

  11. Hi Becky,

    Sorry you are having this happen to you. We all look so forward to you sharing neat things with us.
    I did receive an email from this sandra Don & thought this is is not something Becky would condone. Just take one nasty to ruin things. I can only leave anonymous comments as I don't have a blog yet. Barb N

  12. I received one from Sandra Don, too, but luckily deleted it without opening it since I'd never heard of her. Someone grabbed my Yahoo address book and was sending spam emails from me to all my friends/relatives. I had to delete my contact list and get a different email address!!! Be careful! S

  13. I got one that referenced your blog...I deleted it figuring it was an email attack type thing. I have left comments on your blog in the past and will continue to do so in the future :)

  14. Becky I too rec'd an email from this person. I rarely leave comments, but I too am sure that a left a comment at some time. I too am commenting anonymous from now on. N from VA.

  15. I received an email yesterday, but didn't open it, as I didn't recognize the person; there's always a wrotten apple in the barrel; I so enjoy your blog, as well, many others like myself,so I'd hate to see something happen to ruin the blog; best of luck thru all this & to all the others who frequent your wonderful blog!

  16. Melissa Hedine-TootleFebruary 9, 2010 at 7:43 PM

    I recieved a strange email in my Hotmail account a few weeks ago
    the next morning they hacked my email and I had to work VERY HARD with microsoft to get my email back. It was a real pain. I have not had any blogger problem and I hope I don't but will keep an eye out. Thanks for the information.

  17. I also got one from Robyn,spamed it right away! This is so sad that some idoit is doing this to you guys who work so hard to help all of us. I am truely sorry this is happening.Still your fan, Kathy B.

  18. Becky,

    I, too, received one of those emails saying it came from your blog. I dismissed it as spam and promptly deleted it. Your blog is my favorite and one of my main sources of inspiration both as a stamper and demonstrator. I hope you do not let the "bad guys" get you down or change your postings.
    I so appreciate all that you share and am so grateful for your work and creativity!!!! Hang in there!

  19. Well I am doing my part for the Australian contingent of your readers. I also received the email in question and reported it as spam to my host.

    I could care less whether this idiot has my email address or not. It's not going to stop me from following your Blog.

    Pity this idiot didn't do something constructive - live stamping for instance. LOL

  20. You surprises me how low a person can go. Just think if they put that time to GOOD use, how wonderful it would be to have their contribution as a positive instead of being a jerk!
