Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holiday Tag Tin

I found this idea from Nicole Heady at Capture the Moment. She is one of my very favorites and I stalk her regularly ;) You can find the directions and product ordering information on her site here.

I had Nicholas cut dowels for me and glue these little end caps on them for the ribbons. I attached the ribbon with a mini glue dot and secured it with a 1/2" straight pin. Each container holds 6 tags on the right and 4 card tags on the left.
And they keep coming in....

Marlene Ackley did these for her children and grandchildren.
Dannie Graves of made hers into a Hot Chocolate Gift set.

How clever that she punched windows in them to see the hot chocolate!

This one is from Sharon at

Great job ladies, thank you for sharing!


  1. Those tins are adorable and I love the hot cocoa boxes! Genius!

  2. Those tins are fabulous Becky! I just love Nicole's blog too...get some great ideas from there.
    Adn those boxes, I think you have a hit on your hands with those!!! Fabulous new ones you have shown...I love the idea of the peek a boo window that the one cool! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Whoo Hoo!!! I got my tin! I love it Becky. Thank you so much for being so kind! I am in the process of making the milk cartons now. I will send you some pictures to add to your growing collection.

    God Bless ~ Trina

  4. Love the tins they are just adorable!! and the milk cartens are great!! thanks for sharing. blessings ~Renee

  5. Wow! I have just found your blog from SCS and am so impressed! You are super-duper talented and share so much! I've already subscribed and will be back!

  6. Hi Becky! I finally got around to checking out your blog and I love it! So many amazing ideas. How do you come up with this stuff - it blows me away!!

  7. Oh what neat ideas. I LOVE the Holiday Tag Tins! Hugs

  8. The tins are this idea. and love how the lady did windows in her milk containers.
    Fabulous ideas as always.

  9. Love the tins!! The samples are so great too...thanks for sharing them with us.
